Master Cataldo Querini

No Picture Available Order of the Laurel


August 9, 2023 (AS 58)
By Afshin I & Yasamin I
King and Queen of Atlantia
Azure semy of caltrops, a bend cotised within a bordure argent.

Azure semy of caltrops, a bend cotised within a bordure argent.
Name registered with the College of Arms in March 2011
Device registered with the College of Arms in September 2011

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Laurel scroll for viewing.
Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
8/9/2023 Atlantia Laurel
4/6/2024 Atlantia Master of Defense
3/6/2021 Atlantia Companion of the Pearl
1/15/2022 Atlantia Companion of the White Scarf
2/1/2014 Ansteorra Award of Arms
2/27/2016 Ansteorra Award of the Sable Talon
10/1/2016 Ansteorra Sable Comet
1/12/2019 Atlantia Companion of the Coral Branch
6/22/2019 Atlantia Companion of the Sea Dragon
8/9/2022 Atlantia Court Baron
1/9/2021 Atlantia Award of the Fountain
6/5/2021 Atlantia Augmentation of Arms
3/17/2022 Atlantia Award of the Shark's Tooth
8/8/2022 Atlantia Augmentation of Arms
8/8/2022 Atlantia Companion of the Queen's Order of Courtesy
8/10/2022 Atlantia King's Award of Excellence
8/11/2022 Atlantia Augmentation of Arms
10/1/2022 Atlantia Award of the Undine
8/5/2024 Atlantia Augmentation of Arms (Vexillum Atlantiae)
10/5/2024 Atlantia King's Award of Excellence
10/5/2024 Atlantia Supporters
10/5/2024 Atlantia Award of the Undine
10/18/2024 Meridies Award of the Crown's Favor
11/1/2014 Ansteorra Bryn Gwlad Muse
9/8/2018 Atlantia Tir-y-Don Companion of the Winged Seamonkey
9/14/2019 Atlantia Tir-y-Don Companion of the Whelk
8/11/2022 Atlantia Companion of Saint Aidan - EMERITUS 8/9/2023

There are 27 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Home Branch: Shire of Isenfir, Atlantia

Personal Website:

Other Information:
Persona: Italian living in England circa 1423

Current interests: Casting and teaching

Martial Activities: Armored Combat, Rapier, Cut and Thrust, Archery

Household: House Honey Badger

Students: Aleksandr Tomasovic (Rapier Cadet)

Device image courtesy of Cataldo Querini

Contact Information:
Master Cataldo Querini (Anthony Schienschang)
anthony.schienschang AT

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