Viscountess Sylvie la chardonnière

No Picture Available Order of the Laurel


April 30, 2016 (AS 50)

Name registered with the College of Arms in September 2005
Device registered with the College of Arms in December 2004

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Laurel scroll for viewing.
Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
1/28/2017 West Cynagua Viscountess
4/30/2016 West Laurel
4/2/2022 West Pelican
1/9/2021 West Grant of Arms
6/21/2003 West Award of Arms
12/10/2005 West Order of the Rose Leaf
10/30/2010 West Court Baroness
1/29/2011 West Order of the Leaf of Merit
1/6/2007 West Queen's Cypher
3/22/2008 West Defender of the West
10/2/2010 West Crown's Favor
1/8/2011 West Queen's Cypher
8/27/2011 West Order of the Queen's Treasure
8/27/2011 West Queen's Cypher
1/7/2012 West Queen's Cypher
5/5/2012 West Queen's Cypher
8/25/2012 West Queen's Cypher
1/4/2014 West Queen's Cypher
1/4/2014 West Queen's Order of Maintenance
5/27/2017 West Cynagua Hearth Stone
1/6/2018 West Queen's Cypher
8/8/2022 Atlantia Augmentation of Arms
4/5/2003 West Mists Silver Spoon
9/11/2004 West Mists Corolla Aulica
10/29/2005 West Cynagua Den Grimme Aeling
7/16/2006 West Cynagua Order of La Courtesia
10/29/2006 West Cynagua Friendly Castle
5/26/2007 West Cynagua Den Grimme Aeling
1/19/2008 West Oertha Princess' Riband
1/30/2010 West Cynagua Princess' Token
11/20/2010 West Mists Princess' Favor
5/21/2011 West Mists Princess' Favor
5/27/2012 West Cynagua Swan's Heart
10/27/2012 West Cynagua Swan's Heart
10/27/2012 West Cynagua Melan Pteron Cynagua
1/26/2013 West Cynagua Prince's Token
1/25/2014 West Cynagua Princess' Token
1/25/2014 West Cynagua Prince's Token
11/22/2014 West Mists Princess' Favor
1/28/2017 West Cynagua Crystal Swan

There are 40 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Home Branch: Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia

Personal Website:

Device image courtesy of Eldred AElfwald

Alternate Names: Sylvie la chardonnière (05/2004)

Contact Information:
Viscountess Sylvie la chardonnière

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