Mistress Suzanne de la Ferté

Suzanne de la Ferté Order of the Laurel

Diverse Arts - specialize in calligraphy & illumination, feasting, and recreating garb from portraits, as well as Silent Heraldry.

August 28, 2010 (AS 45)
Argent, in pale three artist's brushes and a pair of flaunches azure each flaunch charged with a feather argent.

Argent, in pale three artist's brushes and a pair of flaunches azure each flaunch charged with a feather argent.
Name registered with the College of Arms in February 1998
Device registered with the College of Arms in November 1999

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Laurel scroll for viewing.
Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
8/28/2010 Calontir Laurel
9/8/2001 Ansteorra Order of the Iris of Merit
7/14/2007 Calontir Order of the Silver Hammer
9/6/1997 Ansteorra Award of the Sable Thistle
2/20/1999 Ansteorra Sable Comet
12/9/2000 Ansteorra Award of the Sable Thistle
6/9/2001 Ansteorra Sable Crane
7/14/2001 Ansteorra Award of the Sable Thistle
4/23/2005 Calontir Order of the Leather Mallet
1/6/2007 Calontir Order of the Torse
10/15/2022 Atlantia Companion of the Opal
3/29/2014 Northshield Scroll of Honor
2/14/2015 Northshield Scroll of Honor
3/26/2022 Atlantia Sacred Stone Award of the Drakken Egg

There are 14 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Home Branch: Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia

Personal Website: https://sites.google.com/site/suzannebooth/home

Other Information:
"Things Italian"
I specialize in calligraphy & illumination, feasting, and recreating garb from portraits, as well as Silent Heraldry.

Da ambiente e ospitalità sono la bellezza
From ambiance and hospitality come beauty

Portrait courtesy of This picture was taken by my husband, HL Angus de Botha, for inclusion in my apprentice's Laurel ceremony.

Contact Information:
Mistress Suzanne de la Ferté (Suzanne Booth)
5912 Smith Town Road
Marshville, NC 28103 United States
(402) 578-2626 (Mobile)
SuzanneBooth AT gmail.com

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