Mistress Ealasaid nic Phearsoinn

No Picture Available Order of the Laurel


March 16, 1985 (AS 19)
No Device Image Available

Per pale argent and vert, a mortar and pestle, the mortar charged with a unicorn passant, all counterchanged.
Name registered with the College of Arms in August 1979
Device registered with the College of Arms in February 2002

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Laurel scroll for viewing.
Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
5/24/1981 Middle Pelican
3/16/1985 East Laurel
1/8/1977 Middle Award of Arms
10/15/1977 Middle Order of the Willow
3/17/1979 Middle Award of the Purple Fret
9/10/2011 Northshield Order of the Pyxis
4/8/2017 Northshield Augmentation of Arms

There are 7 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Home Branch: Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia

Alternate Names: Elasaid nic Pherson

Contact Information:
Mistress Ealasaid nic Phearsoinn

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