Mistress Jorunn nic Lochlainn

No Picture Available Order of the Laurel

Glasswork - Lampworker for 21 years, I make glass chess pieces, beads and small work.
Needlework - Lampworker for 21 years, I make glass chess pieces, beads and small work.

April 28, 2018 (AS 52)
By Dietrich II and Una I
King and Queen of Atlantia
Azure, on a pale Or between a pair of gloves argent, a sword gules.

Azure, on a pale Or between a pair of gloves argent, a sword gules.
Name registered with the College of Arms in December 1990
Device registered with the College of Arms in January 1991

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Laurel scroll for viewing.
Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
4/28/2018 Atlantia Laurel
1/7/1989 Atlantia Companion of the Pearl
10/9/1999 Outlands Flower of the Outlands
5/22/1999 Outlands Caerthe Companion of the Sable Lion
2/7/1987 Atlantia Award of Arms
9/8/2001 Outlands Order of the Stag's Heart
11/7/2015 Atlantia Companion of the Opal
5/25/2024 Atlantia Court Baroness
10/3/1987 Atlantia Award of the Undine
5/30/2015 Atlantia Award of the Silver Nautilus
2/6/2016 Atlantia Award of the Undine
10/5/2019 Atlantia Award of the Undine
3/30/1991 Atlantia Hidden Mountain Order of the Sable Mountain
7/10/1999 Outlands Caerthe Companion of the Aspen
11/6/1999 Outlands Caerthe Companion of the Gilded Leaf
11/21/2015 Atlantia Hidden Mountain Order of the Azure Mountain
4/4/2020 Atlantia Hidden Mountain Baron's Award of Excellence
1/23/2021 Atlantia Hidden Mountain Baroness' Award of Courtesy
3/25/2021 Atlantia Hidden Mountain Order of the Pinnacle of the Mountain

There are 19 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Home Branch: Barony of Hidden Mountain, Atlantia

Personal Website: Jorunnsjournal@weebly.com

Device image courtesy of Seamus the Tinker, 7/2012

Contact Information:
Mistress Jorunn nic Lochlainn (Catherine Brailey)
153 Blueridge Trail
North Charleston, SC 29418
(303) 908-5343 (Home)
mistressjorunn AT yahoo.com

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