Mistress Ester Pickering

No Picture Available Order of the Laurel

Embroidery - Elizabethan 16th century

August 6, 2015 (AS 50)
By Logan VII and Esa II
King and Queen of Atlantia
Gules, a bear rampant and a bordure wavy Or.

Gules, a bear rampant and a bordure wavy Or.
Name registered with the College of Arms in January 2018
Device registered with the College of Arms in January 2018

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Laurel scroll for viewing.
Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
8/6/2015 Atlantia Laurel
9/14/1991 Atlantia Award of Arms

There are 2 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Home Branch: Shire of Isenfir, Atlantia

Personal Website: https://fuzzycat69.wixsite.com/esterpickering

Other Information:
Continuing to work on Elizabethan 16th century embroidery, shifts, shirts and soon gold work. See my website for a list of projects. Also interested in 16th century card and dice games.

Device image courtesy of Etienne Le Mons

Alternate Names: Moire Nic Pharthal�in, Moire Nic Pharthalain

Contact Information:
Mistress Ester Pickering

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