Master Thomas Brownwell

No Picture Available Order of the Laurel


June 4, 2005 (AS 40)
Or, a fountain and a chief rayonny gules

Or, a fountain and a chief rayonny gules
Name registered with the College of Arms in July 1990
Device registered with the College of Arms in September 1990

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Laurel scroll for viewing.
Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
6/4/2005 Caid Laurel
3/9/1996 Caid Order of the Lux Caidus
5/28/2000 Caid Order of the Crescent
5/25/2003 Caid Court Baron (GoA)
5/5/1990 Caid Award of Arms
1/11/1992 Caid Order of the Harp Argent
4/8/1995 Caid Order of the Dolphin of Caid
3/31/2001 Caid Legion of Courtesy
5/31/2003 Caid Signum Regni
11/7/2009 Caid Signum Regni
8/1/2013 Atlantia Award of the Fountain
11/10/1990 Caid Calafia Companion of the Golden Trident
4/27/1991 Caid Calafia Companion of the Serpent's Flame
5/2/1992 Caid Calafia Companion of the Gilded Thimble

There are 14 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Home Branch: Kingdom of Caid

Device image courtesy of Seamus the Tinker, 8/2013

Contact Information:
Master Thomas Brownwell

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