Mistress Bríg ingen Érennaigh

No Picture Available Order of the Laurel

Calligraphy and Illumination

January 8, 2011 (AS 45)
By Bryan I and Brianna I
King and Queen of Atlantia
Per chevron vert and Or, two quill pens in chevron, nibs to chief Or and a cat's head cabossed sable, on a chief Or three trefoils vert.

Per chevron vert and Or, two quill pens in chevron, nibs to chief Or and a cat's head cabossed sable, on a chief Or three trefoils vert.
Name registered with the College of Arms in August 2000
Device registered with the College of Arms in August 2000

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Laurel scroll for viewing.
Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
1/8/2011 Atlantia Laurel
11/2/2019 Atlantia Pelican
5/5/2001 Atlantia Companion of the Pearl
1/9/2010 Atlantia Companion of the Golden Dolphin
8/28/1999 Atlantia Award of Arms
3/16/2007 Atlantia Court Baroness
12/10/2011 Atlantia Companion of the Opal
3/4/2000 Atlantia Award of the Silver Nautilus
5/20/2000 Atlantia Award of the Silver Nautilus
5/20/2000 Atlantia King's Award of Excellence
4/7/2007 Atlantia Award of the Silver Nautilus
9/13/2008 Atlantia Award of the Undine
2/25/2012 Atlantia King's Award of Excellence
1/30/2016 Atlantia Nottinghill Coill Territorial Baroness, Retired - RETIRED 1/26/2019
9/23/2017 Atlantia Award of the Fountain
1/26/2019 Atlantia Augmentation of Arms
9/23/2023 Atlantia Augmentation of Arms (Golden Lamp)
3/4/2000 Atlantia Nottinghill Coill Companion of the Coill's Muse
9/23/2000 Atlantia Hidden Mountain Order of the Sable Mountain
3/30/2002 Atlantia Nottinghill Coill Companion of the Gordian Knot
3/27/2004 Atlantia Nottinghill Coill Excellence of Nottinghill Coill
2/23/2013 Atlantia Nottinghill Coill Excellence of Nottinghill Coill
4/19/2014 Atlantia Nottinghill Coill Excellence of Nottinghill Coill
1/26/2019 Atlantia Nottinghill Coill Company of Gavin
12/11/2021 Atlantia Nottinghill Coill Companion of the Coill's Guiding Beacon
4/9/2022 Atlantia Nottinghill Coill Award of the Golden Knot
12/14/2024 Atlantia Nottinghill Coill Award of the Golden Cord

There are 27 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Home Branch: Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia

Other Information:
Calligraphy and Illumination

Device image courtesy of Etienne Le Mons d'Anjou, 2/2015

Alternate Names: Brigit ingen Ereannaigh, Brig ingen Erennaigh

Contact Information:
Mistress Bríg ingen Érennaigh (Missy Looper)
207 Keels Rd West
Hodges, SC 29653
(864) 554-0585 (Mobile)
brigscribe AT nctv.com

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