Mistress Clare Hele

No Picture Available Order of the Laurel

Ceramics / Pottery - Various types of Medieval English Pottery

August 13, 2003 (AS 38)
By Logan IV and Isabel II
King and Queen of Atlantia
Azure, on a bend Ermine between two dolphins haurient argent, a vine vert

Azure, on a bend Ermine between two dolphins haurient argent, a vine vert
Name registered with the College of Arms in January 1995
Device registered with the College of Arms in July 1999

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Laurel scroll for viewing.
Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
8/13/2003 Atlantia Laurel
2/9/2002 Atlantia Companion of the Pearl
4/29/1995 Middle Award of Arms
9/20/1997 Middle Order of the Willow
4/1/1992 Middle Northwoods Order of the White Wolf
2/10/2001 Atlantia Windmasters' Hill Companion of the Boreas
8/20/2004 Atlantia Windmasters' Hill Companion of the Tempest
9/25/2004 Atlantia Windmasters' Hill Companion of the Kitty Hawk

There are 8 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Home Branch: Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia

Other Information:
Current Interests: Pottery, Early Settlement and exploration to North Carolina (Roanoke Colony), Openfire/ Cooking Technology and Historical Cookery.
I'm married to Calum Chreachadora and we have a very young daughter, Isabella.
I have been known to armor up fight on occasion, particularly melees! However due to the birth of our daughter in November of 2005 I will be taking a break for a while.

Device image courtesy of Seamus the TInker, 2/2010

Contact Information:
Mistress Clare Hele

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